
Customization are used for a product that allows the customer to customize certain elements of the product, such as custom message on cake, toppings on pizza and custom pattern on t-shirt. You can charge additional price for a specific customization option value.

How to create local customization:

  1. Navigate to the All Products page

  2. Click on + Add Product to create a product or edit an existing product

  3. In the product details page, scroll to the Customizations card

  4. Clicks the Add Customization button. A Configure Customizations modal will be triggered

    1. Clicks on Add Customization to create a variation option for this product only

  5. Fill in the variation details in the configuration form

Customization Setup

Each of the fields here will represent a detail for the product customization:

  1. Display Name

    1. the name that the customer will see when selecting customization in the product description page
  2. Type

    1. The type that the customization options will be displayed
    2. Available options:
      • Color

        Example color customization in the product description page

      • Image

        Example image customization in the product description page

      • Button

        Example button customization in the product description page

      • Checkbox

        Example checkbox customization in the product description page

        • Set a range:
          • If you only fill in Select at least setting, then the customer will need to select at least x checkboxes before he can add the product to the cart
          • If you only fill in Select up to setting, then the customer will need to select at most x checkboxes before he can add the product to the cart
          • If you fill in both Select at least and Select up to settings, then the customer will need to select at least x checkboxes and up to y checkboxes before he can add the product to the cart
        • Total price:
          • instead of charging an individual price according to the checkbox the customer selects, you can charge a total price to the product base price no matter how many checkboxes the user selects (as long as more than 1 checkbox)
      • Dropdown

        Example dropdown customization in the product description page

      • Number Field

        Example number field customization in the product description page

        • Set Maximum:
          • Set a maximum number that the customer is allowed to enter
          • A customer is only allow adding this product into the cart when the value he enters is less than the maximum number
      • Text Field

        Example text field customization in the product description page

        • Set Maximum:
          • Set a maximum number of characters that the customer is allowed to enter
          • A customer is only allowed to add this product to the cart when the length of characters he enters is less than the maximum number
      • Text Area

        Example textarea customization in the product description page

        • Set Maximum:
          • Set a maximum number of characters that the customer is allowed to enter
          • A customer is only allowed to add this product to the cart when the length of characters he enters is less than the maximum number
  3. Required

    1. For each customization option, you can set whether the customization is required by checking the Required checkbox

      A red asterisk * will appear at the end of the label in the product description page if the customization is required

  4. Values [except Number Field, Text Field, Text Area]

    1. the values available for the customer to choose
  5. Price

    1. You can charge an additional price for each customization value once the customer selects it

      Before the customer selects a customization value with an additional price 

       the customer selects a customization value with an additional price
  6. Remove button

    1. clicks on it will delete the customization value
  7. Add Value
    1. add a new row of customization values at the bottom of the Values section

Save product

  1. Once finish Add Customization for the product, click on the Save button

  2. Once the customization configurations are saved, the customizations will be displayed in a summary table. 

    1. The sequence in this table will represent the sequence that the customizations will be displayed on the product description page

    2. You can reorder the sequence of variation options by grabbing the ellipsis icon on the left side of the display name in each row

  3. After finishing set up and save the local customization at Configure Customizations form, scroll to the end of the page, and clicks on the Save Button 
  4. Validation will be performed for all settings. If the error notification appears, fix the errors and Save again.