Step 1. Register new domain

  1. Navigate to the Domain Settings
  2. Clicks on the + Add Domain button
  3. Fill in the domain name you want to connect to Hypershapes in the modal's input box, then clicks on Save
  4. Once the domain is registered, it will be added to the summary table. Now you can proceed to next step to point your domain to Hypershapes server

Step 2. Point your domain to Hypershapes

The step-by-step guides here assume you host your domain name in Cloudflare. If you host your domain name in different domain registrars such as GoDaddy, Namecheap, Exabytes and etc, contact our support for the setup details.
  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account
  2. In Homepage, choose the domain you want to connect 
  3. In the domain detail page, clicks on the DNS on the leftbar of the page
  4. In DNS page, clicks on + Add record, and fill in the details accordingly:
    1. Type: CNAME
    2. Name:
      1. if you want to connect the root domain to Hypershapes, fill in @ here
      2. fill in your subdomain name here if you want to connect a subdomain to Hypershapes
        1. Exp: if you want to connect to Hypershapes, then fill in abc in the input here
    3. Target:
    4. Proxy status: disable
    5. TTL: Auto
  5. Clicks on Save
  6. Now proceed to the next step to verify your domain in Hypershapes domain settings.

Step 3. Verify your domain

A new domain record might take up to 72 hours to be reflected globally due to a process called domain propagation.
  1. Navigate back to the Domain Settings
  2. Clicks on the verify button (with recycle icon) on the same row as the domain you just registered in step 1 above to verify whether your domain is connected to Hypershapes server
    1. If connected, a green notification toast will appear and the domain status will change to Connected. Now you are ready to proceed to next step to assign your domain to one of your sales channel
    2. If failed, a red notification toast will appear. You can contact our support for the troubleshooting of the issues you face

Step 4. Assign your custom domain to a sales channel

  1. To serve your funnel, online store or mini store with your own domain, you can clicks on the edit button (with pen icon) in the same row as your domain in the summary table
  2. In the modal, clicks on the radio button of the sales channel you want to serve with your domain
    1. If you choose Funnel here, a dropdown will appear to let you choose which funnel to publish
      1. Visitor who visits your domain will be served by the first landingpage in the funnel you selected which is in Published status
    2. If you choose Online Store here
      1. Visitor who visits your domain will be served by the homepage of your online store sales channel
        1. You can check your online store homepage at Online Store -> Pages, which the name of the homepage will be appended by -- Homepage
        2. If you notice there is no homepage existed, you can assign a page to be homepage by clicking on the ... icon in datatable, and clicks on Change to Published (if the page status is still in Draft) and clicks on Set as Homepage
    3. If you choose Mini Store here
      1. Visitor who visits your domain will be served by the pre-designed homepage of your mini store sales channel
  3. Clicks on Save
  4. Now visit your domain at browser to see whether your sales channel is served by the domain you connected.